rOpenSci Software Review Dashboard

This repository contains the source code for rOpenSci’s Software Review Dashboard. This includes both a local R package named “dashboard”, and a quarto directory which includes the source files for the website. This README is intended only for developers. Anybody solely interested in the dashboard should head straight to the website.

renv and local usage

The quarto website uses renv to manage package dependencies in the GitHub workflow. The environment will be automatically built the first time R is started in the root directory of this repository. This environment will nevertheless not include the package itself, and so the package needs to be manually installed using:

remotes::install_github ("ropensci-review-tools/dashboard")

The website can be locally previewed by running quarto preview in the quarto directory, using the locally-installed version of the “dashboard” package. This means that any updates to the package itself will only be rendered on the quarto website once those changes have been pushed and the package locally re-installed using the install_github command above.
