
This organisation contains several packages developed for rOpenSci’s review process, and in particular for the review of statistical software. The following diagram depicts the relationships between some of the main packages:

Each package has its own repository, linked to below along with brief descriptions.


The srr package helps authors document compliance with our standards for statistical software within their actual code. The package website has detailed descriptions of the procedure, including a demonstration which authors can first “walk through” to understand how the srr package works.


The autotest package is intended to be used from the first moments of package development, and throughout the preparation of packages for submission to our peer review system. It implements a form of mutation testing in an attempt to ensure all parameters of all functions respond appropriately to as many different forms and values of those parameters as possible. Continuous application of the autotest package throughout package development should ensure review processes are much less likely to uncover bugs in package behaviour.


The pkgcheck package represents the final steps towards submitting a package for review with rOpenSci. Authors should only need the one function, pkgcheck(), which will confirm whether or not a package is ready to be submitted. The object returned by this function contains detailed information on various aspects of a package.